Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Fix Your Mobility, Fix Your Swing? Not So fast. This article may ruffle some feathers in the golf and sports world, but we can't shy away from innovation and science when they reveal uncomfortable truths. It's time to confront the reality that fixi... Sep 9, 2024 Golf
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Golf: Perform in your Motor Preferences Discover what Motor Preferences Experts, LLC , the premier performance company in the USA specializing in the revolutionary motor preferences approach, has to offer. As the exclusive representative of... May 14, 2024 Golf
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Optimizing Your Trail Knee Position in the Backswing As you navigate the vast expanse of online golf advice, you'll encounter many tips from esteemed coaches on utilizing your right knee during the backswing. The perennial debate persists: Should you fl... May 14, 2024 Golf
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Unlocking movement optimization based on your golfer's natural motricity Once you discern whether your golfer's inclination leans towards terrestrial or aerial, you can tailor your approach to suit their optimized system. At Motor Preferences Expert, drawing from scientifi... May 14, 2024 Golf
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Axial or Large? Jack Nicklaus' distinctive flying right elbow backswing technique was defined as "unorthodox" and rarely endorsed by traditional golf instruction. Yet, it's widely acknowledged that this move played a... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert What's your motor preferences profile? Enhancing your understanding of the three-dimensional swing motion and aligning it with your motor preferences profile is crucial for establishing a robust foundation in optimizing your golfer's movem... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert What are my golfer's natural preferences? Our perception often leads us to believe there's a singular rational approach to everything, judging based on our own experiences and sensations. We are assuming it's universally applicable. However, ... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Swing your Swing!! Oscar Wilde's timeless wisdom, "Be yourself because everyone else is taken!". Authenticity is paramount, and the world's most successful players serve as living proof each weekend on the course. By em... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Personalized Posture and Balance in Golf: Embracing Motor Preferences As a coach, what is your personal perspective or philosophy regarding what constitutes an ideal posture in golf? I would love to hear it. Crafting a comprehensive definition of good posture in golf en... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Pivot Leg and Weight Shifting The golf swing is a complex movement that relies on the interplay of three significant ground forces: horizontal, rotational, and vertical. These forces are vital in generating the power necessary for... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert Pivot Leg To ensure survival, the Central Nervous System instinctively chooses the side of the body best suited for maintaining balance. Our body naturally chooses the extension side (excluding injuries). Our b... May 14, 2024
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert X-Factor=Power?? In golf and sports like baseball, the prevailing approach has long emphasized increasing the separation between hips and shoulders, known as the iconic X-factor. The belief was that greater separation... May 14, 2024