
May 14, 2024 by
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert
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In golf and sports like baseball, the prevailing approach has long emphasized increasing the separation between hips and shoulders, known as the iconic X-factor. 

The belief was that greater separation would lead to enhanced power. A larger X-factor, particularly at the peak of the backswing, was thought to result in longer shots. This perspective made sense based on studies of certain golfer styles.

However, the introduction of Motor Preferences ™ has prompted us to challenge this conventional view.

The correlation between the X-Factor and power isn't always straightforward. We now perceive it more as a preference that allows individuals to generate power and achieve better coordination through their natural rotation tendencies, which may be more dissociated (X-factor) or more associated (mono-block). Both approaches are valid and efficient.

A golfer naturally inclined toward associated rotation will synchronize the movement of shoulders and hips to generate power and improve coordination. Even though there might still be a slight dissociation at the top of the backswing, it is significantly less pronounced. A notable example is Phil Mickelson, whose belt buckle at the top of the backswing contrasts with Rory McIlroy's substantial dissociation (X-factor). The impact results further underscore this difference in the hips/shoulders alignment.

Exploring these preferred rotations not only helps prevent potential back injuries but also reveals crucial insights into aligning your body with the target. However, that's a topic for another day.

Don't guess. Assess. Learn your Motor Preferences ™. Swing and train in your natural movement.

in Golf
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert May 14, 2024
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