Personalized Posture and Balance in Golf: Embracing Motor Preferences

May 14, 2024 by
Personalized Posture and Balance in Golf: Embracing Motor Preferences
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert
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As a coach, what is your personal perspective or philosophy regarding what constitutes an ideal posture in golf? I would love to hear it.

Crafting a comprehensive definition of good posture in golf encompasses various vital components. Primarily, maintaining proper balance throughout the swing is paramount. This begins with meticulous preparation, commencing with the setup at the address.

Preparation vs Action 
Terrestrial golfers prepare in the back to act in the front. This results in a lower center of balance, more knee flexion, center of pressure towards the heels, lower hip placement, and increased anchorage. Conversely, Aerial golfers prepare in the front to act in the back. They exhibit a higher center of balance, less knee flexion, center of pressure towards the toes, higher hip positioning, and appear taller in front of the ball.

Crafting Personalized Posture
The posture needs to be crafted to embrace each golfer's natural balance. For instance, asking an aerial golfer to adopt a posture more suited to terrestrial players risks disrupting their natural balance and hindering their performance.

What if you could learn how to craft a golfer's posture based on their motor preferences? 

The Motor Preferences™️ Approach underscores the significance of individualized assessments, acknowledging each athlete's each athlete's unique motricity to optimize their posture at address. This understanding emphasizes the need for careful exploitation to optimize their development and performance.

in Golf
Personalized Posture and Balance in Golf: Embracing Motor Preferences
Motor Preferences Experts, Aurélien Van Stichelen, Motor Preferences Expert May 14, 2024
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