Motor Preferences Approach

Motor Preferences Approach

8 little videos made by our partner Volodalen and presented by Laura about Motor Preferences Approach.

Responsible David Genest
Last Update 03/07/2024
Completion Time 23 minutes
Members 105
Primitive Reflexes & Performance
Primitive Reflexes & Performance

Primitive reflexes are taking over natural motricity. They can support performance or disturb it...

Primitive Reflexes & Performance
Primitive Reflexes & Performance

Primitive reflexes are taking over natural motricity. They can support performance or disturb it...

Terrestrial and Aerial pitching motions
Terrestrial and Aerial pitching motions

Laura introduces the Terrestrial and Aerial pitching motions

Impact of Motor Preferences on Terps
Impact of Motor Preferences on Terps

Laura introduces the impact of Motor Preferences on University of Maryland Baseball Team.